Message: Competition?

SNA has been and is in the process of developing a system which for all intent and purpose is the same as the ama system. I think it was last fall they announced a partnership with Astrium to help develop and market their system. It's unclear as to what stage their new box is at but I would imagine that more will be known when they put out their financial statement. They've had a loyal following of investors so hopefully for them they'll get rewarded with some good news.

On paper it sounds like a potentially decent product and I'll be following it's progress but I won't invest in it until I know that it's having success on aircraft. I invested in ama at much too early of the development phase not being aware of how slow the industry is to adopt something new so I won't make that mistake twice. The longs are hoping that ama is finally getting close to the turning point of being an industry accepted product, the partnerships with CMC, SNC, L-3, Megitt and now the OEM on Hawker tell me that the system works and the industry understands that it can be a useful tool. To date, it looks like the CMC relationship is the first to have brought sales to the table so we wait and see what and how long it takes for the other partnerships to develop revenue.

China and the Aercap deal remain the big mysteries, if either of these two would start moving forward the effect on ama would be very positive.

Do your own DD, good health


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