Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management



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Your stock suggestions are doing very well.

Judging from your last communication I am now even more interested in getting together with you to discuss investment ideas and construction which appears to be another thing we have in common.

Gold is taking off again today and perhaps all those gold conspiracy theorists have some legit arguements. The problem with conspiracy theorists is that sometimes they start seeing and reading things into innocent occurences that just are not there. Sigmund Freud would say "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".

You sure I can not entice you down my way for a get together. Money is no good if you do not spend and enjoy it a little in your retirement and I would like to hear your investment ideas in person. Besides, while I do enjoy our small talk here on the B.B. it is much easier to have a good discussion face to face with a lot less likely hood of meaning getting lost in translation.



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