Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management



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Message: New Topic line...


I was the same way, as in bulldog with a bone comparison, in my construction career.

When you proved that you could handle major projects and stress, they would find an "impossible" project for me to tackle!....just to see where the limits were!

In my case the worse project I had was to build out the interior headquarters of Sony's new Playstation ( 1999, or some where in there)...lots of creative high end finishes that architects love to think up, but have very little idea of what's involved to make it happen!...then they throw in a deadline that was maybe possible if they had finshed the plans and gotten the permits in time to start....but forget that! We have a superintendent that has performed miracles ! we'll give it to him ( and see if this will even be possible, but we want the job so bad that we will promise anything!)

Then I built venture capital company owner's 3rd estate, up in the mountains above the Pacific ocean on one side, and Silicon Valley on the other side of the San Francisco peninsula....after that I was glad to have a chance at early retirement (59)....I had proven to have been up to all the challenges....I didn't need anymore proof!

I now make more in a day, sometimes, in my investments, so I will stay a home and push these little buttons to make my living now...

Look at SGRCF and UXG today!....then add in my big boys, RBY and SLW!


Best Regards,

Long for Cash

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