Vena Resources Inc.

Exploration and development of Peru’s mineral potential

Message: Otto Rock?

I am curious about who Otto Rock is myself. I have been monitoring his story as well as his fellow Panama blogger scamps Eric Jackson and Okke Ornstein. There is a legitimate Mark Turner who is a financial and mining analyst who is a principle of Jennings Capital as well as a number of other public companies. I am certain he is not the infamous Otto Rock ( of Inka Kola News. Whether the pseudonymous, Otto Rock is using the real Mark Turner's name and reputation to give himself legitimacy is open to question.

I have started a small blog of my own called Vanishing Point where I seek to mitigate some of the worst abuses of mining and exploration companies by bloggers and attempt to determine who is backing them. I would be happy to share any information with like minded readers on Agoracom or my own blog

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