A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: PIPES ... George, BT, Save Mining ...

Former Saint Jean Carbon CEO, a mathmetician, posted at the VCT Bullboard:



Are you aware that Canadian brokers have sold "pipes" to funds, which are short reporting EXEMPT?? These funds have direct accesss to the trading sysytem of the broker and can trade as they wish. I have calculated that these funds are "non-reported" short over 7 million VCT. This has killed not only our company but hundreds of others world wide. The regulators turn a blind eye to this practice. What happens? Shareholders in these companies eventually dump their shares in panic selling at 1/2 the price and the funds buy back their shares with the money they got for the "illegal sales" and make a 50% profit. In the meantime our small companies are devistated. This won't stop until OUR buying blows these funds up, having to cover their "illegal" shorts. Where are our politicians in this practice. Sitting on their hands...........as usual. This is NOT A JOKE!! IMHO

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