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Message: Your OTCBB is extremely intriguing indeed... + Nighthawk's unusual volume

I had forgotten that Agora posts the info, so no biggy.

There is another stock I own and occasioanlly post on, and that forums policy is to never mention another stock, or the post gets removed, so I was just being careful not to offend anyone in here...heck, there is only 2 of us!

Do a complete DD before you make a decision on EDIG.

Yes, except for possible appeals, the digEcor is behind us.

Beyond that, we are hopefull eVU sales will increase, and the continued success wining patent/IP cases against 184+ infringers will continue.

Check edigital.com for news etc, and the Agora board in here for sure. There are many informed posters that you can obtain some of your DD from.

I own a very sizable stake in EDIG myself.

Good luck with your decision.

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