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Message: Kimber still on life support

Hey guys, good to check in and see some conversation.

I stopped buying Kimber a long while back, at about .70 to .80 as I recall without checking.

Lately, I've been selling. I've gotten rid of half my position at .21, at a mega loss because, frankly, I think they've screwed the pooch on this one and the general junior market carnage means they have little hope of recovering.

I just don't see where the money is coming from, to do anything. There is no exploration drilling. They would need a lot of cash to go into production and I'm not optimistic the smaller streamer companies are biting.

What irks me is that various incarnations of Kimber management have done it wrong by the numbers, and generally treated shareholders like mushrooms -- kept in the dark with crap shoveled on them.

So, for your sake, and the sake of my remaining 50 percent position, I'd like to see something positive. However. I kick myself in the butt for not at least trying to clean out my portfolio at .25 recently.

I've made money on previous Kimber pops, but lost it all plus interest in this ongoing debacle. I'll consider it tuition paid for future junior investments-- at the first sign of disappointment and missed deadlines, sell first and ask questions later. Don't give any management the benefit of the doubt.

I think you people give Puplava too much credit. I hope I'm wrong.

Take care and good luck

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