First Mining Gold

First Mining is a mineral property holding company whose principal business activity is to acquire high quality mineral assets with a focus in the Americas. The Company currently holds a portfolio of 21 mineral assets in Canada, Mexico and the U.S.A.

Message: From Stockhouse...

All Credit to Barn Breath...

The winter drilling programme was designed to do infill drilling & stepout drilling to the southeast--- The goal WAS to drill a grid of drilling every 50 meters in order to prove up ounces so that they could be used when doing the NI 43-101, following the winter drill programme. In fact an independant qualified independant geologist has been hired already for this task. However; there were a few flies added to the ointment. Slower drilling & problems drilling in the material under the lake, has meant the completion of the NI-43101 has been pushed a way back probably until September or so. Hey, what can you do? It must be done right and hence 2 barges have been ordered--- one delivered, and one on it's way.

One part of the plan---the infill drilling---I believe---has not changed and is continuing---to test the gold, with shallow holes, up to the surface of the bottom of the lake, Although slower than expected, this has gone really well, and the results have been better than expected---the larger diameter drilling cores have helped. What is NOT commonly known, IMHO, is that once 10% of the historic holes (read pre Bre-X) are redrilled, then all of these historic holes can be used when doing the new/second NI 43-101!!! Hence, even better news---two for the price of one so to speak. Thus I am not worried al all about these drill results, because of previous experience. It makes perfect sense to me that these infill drill results will continue to be good and add value, by 'filliing in the grid', and yes as Scout, has pointed out, these results come out like clockwork basically every two weeks! Let's see---March 1st., then March 15th. and then what---next---before the end of March? Sounds about right to me. BUT---and BEWARE!!!---

The second part of the winter drilling plan HAS CHANGED!! Wasn't it supposed to be 10 stepout holes at 50 meters out---to add 500 meters of length to the strike? This I believe has changed dramatically, and this change has NOT been fully stated in any news release. The last stepout hole of the summer drill programme, released I think in Dec., was excellent! The next stepout hole---the first one of the winter programme, hole # 39, I believe was drilled 75 meters out (not 50 meters). This was announced, surprise, surprise just before PADAC---excellent. Quinten believes that with this type of deposit and rock material in the Portage Zone (from previous mining experiences and examples) that the strike lenght will not abruptly stop---BUT---continue on. What is important is that as long as the drill results continue to be the same (or even better improve, as hole 39 did) The strike length will continue!!! How far is the BIG question!!! The way I understand it, the warning sign will be IF the grades of gold start to get lower, then this would be an indicator that the strike length is beginning to come to an end. I repeat, it just doesn't end abruptly.

As of the PADAC show, another stepout hole---number 46 I think---had been completed and sent in for assay. (remember Scout's two week rule!!) However, this hole wasn't drilled just 50 meters out, as per the grid plan, but MUCH further OUT---by 150 meters or more I think. The drill core "looked the same" as the good last stepout hole # 39, and I believe looked like it too ended in mineralization. The assay results will, hopefully, confirm this. The POINT IS that---look at Scout's 'famous' time line frame. (luv ya Scout & he is right) this means that this STEPOUT HOLE # 46 WILL BE COMING OUT AND ANNOUNCED ANY TIME NOW!!!! Surprise, surprise!! The pressure to change the 50 meter by 50 meter plan MAYBE, just MAYBE, I think came from the "big boy" institutions who you know are very heavily invested in GCU---you know who the "culprits" are, and perhaps,the various firms that revise and give increading and glowing price targets. Obviously Quinton, GCU's new director (congratulations by the way) has the final say as to where to drill. HE was I believe "easily convinced" to change this stepout drill plan because, with his vast experience, he fully believes the lenght of the Portage zone goes MUCH further---to the end of the lake (the "gold made the lake" theory) and beyond---remember he doesn't lose ANY SLEEP over the 10 MILLION OUNCES!!! I believe him. Does he believe from the "look" of the hole # 46 seems good and that it ends in mineralization? I think that the obvious answer is a RESOUNDING YES!!! WHY do I believe this? Well, for three resonds. The next stepout hole, I will call hole # 50 has already been drilled, or at least is almost finished, and this hole # 50 was drilled another 100 meters out from the very soon to be released hole # 46-----AND----believe it or NOT (remember it is only me saying this)---the NEXT stepout hole (sorry no hole # to give out) is planned for YET ANOTHER---BELIEVE IT OR NOT---- 200 meters or so out from the hole I call # 50!!!! Like I say, so much for the "50 meter grid rule" for the purposes of the upcoming NI 43-101!!!

GCU hasn't perhaps much to lose here because the next NI 43-101 has been delayed back anyway. What does this mean for the results and the NI 43-101?-----Well---I sure as heck ain't no geologist, but the ounces obtained from the new stepouts, I believe, will have to go into the "inferred category", and won't be confirmed until later infill drilling (obviously a lot more holes) is done. BUT WOW!!! The big players, and analysts, with their staff of experts (Mr. "Wentforawash" too) know ALL THIS---bet your bottom dollar on that!!! And they, I believe, FULLY approve of it. This is big news, if & I repeat, IF I believe it to be true, could be a MAJOR reason for the breakout in GCU's share price. When hole # 46 comes out---remember I say any time SOON, and I mean REAL SOON, then, watch out because, if it hits (and I believe it has), then KABOOM! The price of GCU stock wil really take-off and the current analysts will race to upgrade and raise their price targets---the news is fast getting out about Springpole, and tons of others will rush to join the bandwagon!!!

What does this mean for you, the "little guy"? MONEY, and LOT's of IT. You must be positioned in the market to be in for the ride. Some may believe that after such a breakout/surge in price, that the share price may pull back, as, and it's true that when was the last time GCU's stock price went up (whatless dramatically) for FOUR STRAIGHT DAYS? And that there "has to be a pullback"---there always is! Well I for one believe you can't afford NOT to be in the GCU market at this time---don't sell now and try to make a short term profit---you must stay in and stay the course. Time is NEAR, and when she blows---she goes---like s**t through a goose!!! BELIEVE IT---you can wait a long time for such an opportunity as this. Don't try too get too smart---you'll outsmart yourself!!! Don't lose out & miss the ride!!!

These are only MY simple thoughts, like I said, I'm NO genius geologist---I believe most people run through a forest and keep bumping into the trees, when in fact the appropriate action is to climb the tallest tree, and sit back, look down, and then you'll easily and really find your way through and to the end of the forest!!! Have a massive week-----yours truly BARN BREATH---and the name says it all!!! Remember the emortal words----"YOU can lead a horse to water, BUT, a pencil must be LEAD"!!!???!!!

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