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EESO produces a unique multi-enzyme solution used in a wide variety of special purpose

Message: EESO A major drop

EESO A major drop

posted on Jun 03, 2009 01:08PM

Is it over? I'm hearing that the A/S has gone from 2 billion shares to 5 billion shares. It does not mean that extra three billion shares is already O/S, but with pinks, it usually doesn't take long.

That would give more than 100% dilution. Is it enough to warrant such a drop?

Closing at .0036 (day low .0026). Friday, it closed at a penny, the low for the week. EESO has not given any PR that could at least slow down this very bad situation. Of course, we're in Pinky's land and have to expect something like this.

Really thought this one had something good going, even after that so-called rejected ten cents bid. Bet everyone would be happy with just a penny, now.

Watch but don't do anything drastic.


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