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Paramagnetic Beads and QL Analyser are Proprietary Products

Message: Re: To the moon or not?

Apr 30, 2021 01:49PM

They no longer have their office/labs. I work not that far away from their former site and it was rented out to some other. They closed it a few years ago. My opinion, had they survived until the pandemic started, their diagnostic product development could have been re-directed to Covid-19 diagnostics. They would of had lots of investors.

I read in another fourum blog (after they shut-down) that the CEO was moving all their equipment to his garage.  Maybe they are getting some funding to re-start ? Just speculating. I still have some share and (bought much higer than here before 1:10 reverse split).. I did sort of lost hope but who knows maybe I will recoup something.

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