Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management



Tonight, we're giving our website a serious makeover.  

So if you can't access the site for a bit, don't worry, we're just sprucing things up for an even smoother experience.  

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See You On The Other Side!



My take on Ecometals is simular to yours.

RBY and UXG have been on my radar screen for a long time but all I have done is watch them.

My porfolio is set probably till the end of the year for better or worse and thus I will probably just continue to watch them.

I have no problem with working, I can assure you of that, afterall I am not that old and some people might venture to say that I am a workaholic. The only reason I am semi retired is because my fairer half decided I had, had to many close calls and that it was time I called it quits and come home.

You are correct, I think I will give Kinross a call and send my resume afterall nothing venture, nothing gained and it never hurt to ask. Besides I have not got much else to do at the moment.

Everyone has to answer to a boss at one time or another and I have answered to many different ones over the years.

In fact I have had few Bosses that disliked me because once they got to know me they realized that they did not need to worry about me or my work and that I would get whatever they asked done if we had come to an agreement on how to accomplish that.

I have no problem working for a Boss as long as they are also willing to work with me and what they ask is clear and makes sense.

What the hell, my mind is now made up and I think I will give them a call and send them a resume.



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