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Message: MetaWorks Platforms Revolutionizes Investor Relations with ECHO: A Cutting-Edge AI Metaverse Chatbot

MetaWorks Platforms, Inc., a distinguished Web3 company (OTCQB: MWRK), makes waves in the world of investor relations with the beta launch of ECHO, an innovative AI-powered Metaverse chatbot. This transformative tool, set to redefine how investors access information, marks a significant leap forward in the integration of artificial intelligence and the Metaverse.

Background and Context

MetaWorks Platforms has been a pioneer in Web3 technologies, focusing on AI-powered blockchain, metaverse, and fintech platforms. The company's commitment to pushing technological boundaries has culminated in the beta launch of ECHO, a dynamic and customizable Metaverse investor relations chatbot.

Key Highlights and Advantages

ECHO, powered by ChatGPT and a closed-loop data set, provides investors with unparalleled 24/7/365 access to comprehensive company information. With a customizable interface, ChatGPT integration, and a closed-loop data set, ECHO ensures up-to-date and accurate information is always at investors' fingertips. The 24/7 availability further enhances the user experience, offering instant access to information, announcements, and answers to queries.

Potential Impact and Significance

This groundbreaking initiative is poised to revolutionize how investors interact with companies. The potential impact of ECHO on investor relations is significant, offering a seamless integration of AI and the Metaverse to create unparalleled access and experiences for both investors and companies. MetaWorks Platforms' President, Scott Gallagher, emphasizes the fusion of cutting-edge technology and a clear use case of AI and the Metaverse in creating this transformative tool.

Expert Opinions and Analysis

Scott Gallagher's vision for ECHO is echoed by industry experts who see this as a game-changer in investor relations. The customizable interface and integration with ChatGPT provide a user-friendly experience, making it a valuable resource for stakeholders seeking real-time information and insights.

Challenges and Considerations

While the potential benefits are immense, it's crucial to consider the challenges associated with integrating such advanced technology. MetaWorks Platforms acknowledges this and is committed to addressing any potential concerns, ensuring a smooth and secure user experience.


In conclusion, MetaWorks Platforms, Inc. has once again demonstrated its commitment to innovation with the beta launch of ECHO. This AI-powered Metaverse chatbot is not just a tool; it's a strategic initiative that promises to redefine how companies and investors interact. As the limited beta launch begins, up to 50 companies have the opportunity to be pioneers in offering their investors and followers access to the transformative potential of ECHO, propelling the world of investor relations into a new era. With MetaWorks Platforms leading the charge, the convergence of AI and the Metaverse is poised to reshape the landscape of investor communications.

View original press release here: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2023/12/21/2799867/0/en/Metaworks-Platforms-Inc-Introduces-ECHO-The-AI-Powered-Metaverse-Chatbot-for-Investor-Relations.html


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