Message: Information

WB DT, thanks for that reply.  I probably should have done the same thing and trimmed my LAC component while boosting the LAAC portion.  Just stupid, I guess.  Going with a lithium mine "in development" vs tilting my investment towards an existing lithium mine in production seems like a no brainer.  I don't know that I can defend my decision and time will most likely favor your strategy vs my adherence stubbornly to LAC.  I suppose the fact that LAC has managed to continue, although not in a linear fashion, to eventually achieve one goal after another and in spite of the fact that those goals were "adjusted" again and again regarding the company line for projected dates to accomplish each of those goals, I "believe" that Thacker Pass will be completed and go into production.  

One of the cardinal principles of investing is to never get married to a particular company.  If I had adhered to that principle I would have divorced myself from LAC years ago, so I have already ignored the wisdom of the ages regarding investing.  I suppose I was hypnotised by the prospect of "getting in on the ground floor".  This "ground floor" turned out to be a celler several floors underground.

In the process of tying my financial future to what appears might be nothing more than a boat anchor I have been fortunate to meet some interesting people, you being no exception to that process.  I am most fortunate to have "met" many others along the way who also saw in their minds LAC as a vehicle to a good investing outcome.  Perhaps when everything is said and done LAC will accomplish that goal for those who, like me, stubbornly hang on.  I can't defend against the argument, brought up by some, that if they had invested in some other company 10, 12 or 15 years ago instead of LAC then they would be sitting on a beach drinking flavorful drinks with little umbrellas stuck in the glass and enjoying "the good life", whatever the good life is.  

So why hang on in the face of repeated disappointment?  Just stupid?  Maybe.  I still have the belief that Lithium batteries have an expansive future and that the next big thing will not overtake lithium batteries for at least another decade, although eventually Lithium batteries may go the way of the 8 track tape.

  So, it is a matter of timing, or so I believe.  Will Thacker Pass go into full production before the next big thing overshadows Lithium batteries?  If I knew the answer to that question I would have invested in the ultimate future technological development and a sure thing to ultimately make a ton of money:  "Tatoo Removal Technology"! 

In 20 years all of these young kids that couldn't wait to get some Chinese characters that they have no idea about the meaning of the characters or how the Mandarin words represented are pronounced OR that couldn't live without that Rose or that Butterfly tatooed on their boob or butt.. all of those, by then, middle aged Mammas and Pappas will pay big bucks to have that damned "Tat" removed and whomever invests in the companies that become lead dogs in that market will make Millions! 

Well, age (Old Age) and inclination conspired against me to make that investment in Tatoo Removal. Maybe my grandkid will traverse that path in his future and sagaciously place hard earned money into the leading company for deleting messages in human skin no longer in fashion and add his name to the list of U.S. Billionaires, eh?

I digress.  Thanks for your posts over what is now many years, WB DT.  You have been a diligent and knowledgeable researcher and have shared your knowledge both here and on the other message board and anyone who has followed your posts can not have anything except the deepest respect for what you have shared with us.

Yup, If I knew 15 years ago just how much "Fog" would follow... but I didn't know.

If I knew then how true would be my signature slogan.... "If"... Onward through the FOG!

Best to all


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